Fortifier Products

Made from 100% human breast milk

Created by nature, refined by neokare

Babycare - NeoKare

Breast Milk Fortifier for Babies

Babies who are born early or have a low birth weight don’t have enough time to build enough proteins and vitamins that are required for overall health. As a result, many of the NICU babies are often weak. Breast milk fortifiers have been clinically proven in 20+ studies to reduce complications such as Sepsis, feed intolerance and shorten the length of stay in the hospital. Premature babies have special nutritional needs when compared to full-term babies, as they need more energy to grow.

In these cases, breast milk fortifiers for preemies help them grow at a rapid pace by providing adequate protein, minerals, and other nutrients. These additional nutrients if not given, may cause growth deficits which are difficult to compensate at later stages of life. Hence, doctors may advise you to add a fortifier to your breast milk for your premature infant’s health.

Prescribed for

Comprehensive Nutritional Solutions

Breast milk fortifiers for preterm infants help infants receive a range of nutrients crucial for their growth, immune system development, and overall well-being. Neokare’s HM18 fortifier not only provides the nutrient but also adheres to the ESPGHAN guidelines.

Fortifier HM18/g Preterm milk/100mL 150mL + 6g Fortifier HM18 Term milk/100mL 100mL + 9g Fortifier HM18 ESPGHAN Guidelines (/kg/day)
Energy (kcal) 4 68 126 69 139.5 115 – 140
Protein (g) 0.18 1.62 3.51 1.3 3.57 3.5 – 4.0
Fat (g) 0.04 3.5 5.49 4.1 6.51 4.8 – 8.1
Carbohydrate (g) 0.73 7.3 15.33 7.2 17.37 11.0 – 15.0
Protein Energy Ratio 18% 11.14% 10.23%

Fortifier Solutions

Fortifier – Supplemented to mother’s own milk or donor milk for enhanced nutritional supplementation

Cream Fortifier

  • Increases caloric content of feed without significantly raising the osmolarity.
  • Ideal when fluid restriction or increased metabolic demands necessitate the provision of additional energy.
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Fortifier HM18

  • Fortifier to be used in neonates born before 32 weeks or weighing less than 1200g
  • Provides energy and protein supplementation to ESPGHAN recommended levels
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