neokare – Human milk scientific papers
When new products appear on the market, there is an initial suspicion from the medical community. Given their heavy workload, many do not have time to read the scientific literature in depth. Others receive support from the multi-billion dollar cow milk fortifier industry. Thus, it often falls on concerned parents to advocate for the use and acceptance of new products. In addition, in the nutritional supplement industry some companies use fake science or make unsubstantiated claims to sell their products. We at NeoKare are different. The scientific papers below illustrate some of the science behind our products. Chances are, these will not be understandable for non-biologists. However, we make them accessible here for two reasons. 1. To show parents that our products are developed based on solid scientific foundations and 2. To help you advocate for their use when a physician or dietician claims that our products provide no proven benefits.